Jak funguje poradna
Bezplatná právní poradna Gender Studies je určena převážně ženám a mužům, které a kteří zažili, respektive zažívají některou formu diskriminace z důvodu pohlaví a/nebo věku, nebo mají dotaz který se týká podmínek odchodu a návratu z mateřské/rodičovské dovolené, či možnosti flexibilního pracovního uspořádání. Na dotazy položené prostřednictvím formuláře odpovídají naše právničky do 10 dnů, využít můžete i telefonickou právní poradnu.
Natalia Aksakova | 2.9.2015 18:39:20
Dear Sir / Madame,
I'm looking for a lawyer to represent my interest in a court or any legal support in a matter of sexual harassment and discrimination at workplace. My employer, international company with branches in Prague, fails to protect my rights, though admits I've been discriminated. I feel helpless to protect myself... Thank you very much in advance.
Dear Natalia,
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination under the Czech Antidiscrimination Law. If you have suffered sexual harassment at work there are certain steps that can be taken - if your employer has a procedure, follow it (inform your manager or HR department), the matter can also be reported to your union (if you have one), or to your local Labour Inspectorate, and finally you can take action in the Court. Please make sure that you collect the evidence of all the steps you have taken and response you receive. However it is wise to go to a lawyer. When searching for a lawyer ensure that they are specialists in employment law. You can have a look at the web of the Czech Bar Association. Also you can call our help-line Tuesdays 9 to 11 a.m. and Fridays 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 224913350 or 774913350.
Kateřina Lovitt